Inggris Maritim Soal Jawab ATT 3 (3)
Soal Jawab Inggris Maritim ATT 3
In all ships, the various items comprising the whole power unit are the responsibility of the chief engineer, whose duties are generally supervisory, consultant and decision making.
Look at board M.V. HADAR at this very night. The chief engineer now is inspecting the engine log book. He reads carefully item per item about the engine’s rotation, the temperature of the piston and cylinders, the consumption of fuel oil and lubricating oil. He will analyze it and compare it with previous day or voyage in order to get the degree of effectiveness of engines. From those data, he will make a plan for routine maintenance and then annual docking repair, any irregularities found, will not be escaped from his eyes. He will discuss it with other engineers and will not be reported to the master if any unusual step should be taken as to stop the engine or slowing down.
Although his duties are not connected to the activity of the vessel, but nevertheless, the successful operation on the vessel depends upon the smoothness of his work.
The rank of the chief engineer on board is just one small step under the captain. For the responsibility of the vessel as a whole is in the hand of captain. The chief engineer of a fleet are supervised by the head of Technical Department who is usually the most senior and capable engineers of the company.
Pada semua kapal, berbagai item yg terdiri dari unit daya seluruhnya adalah tanggung jawab KKM, yg tugas umumnya memberi pengawasan, konsultan dan pengambilan keputusan.
Lihatlah kapal motor HADAR dimalam hari. KKM sekarang sedang memeriksa log book mesin. Dia membaca dengan hati2 item per item tentang putaran mesin, suhu piston dan silinder, konsumsi bahan bakar minyak dan minyak pelumas. Dia akan menganalisanya dan membandingkannya dengan hari sebelumnya atau perjalanan untuk mendapatkan tingkat efektivitas mesin. Dari data tsb, ia akan membuat rencana untuk perawatan rutin dan perbaikan docking tahunan, setiap kesalahan yg ditemukan, tidak akan lepas dari pengawasannya. ia akan membicarakan dengan masinis lain dan tidak akan melaporkan kepada nahkoda jika ada langkah yg tidak biasa harus diambil untuk menghentikan mesin atau memperlambat kecepatan.
Meskipun tugasnya tidak terhubung dengan aktivitas kapal, namun demikian keberhasilan operasi pada kapal tergantung pada kelancaran pekerjaannya.
Jabatan KKM dikapal adalah dibawah kapten. Untuk tanggung jawab kapal secara keseluruhan ada ditangan kapten. KKM yg diawasi oleh kepala departemen teknis yg biasanya para Engineer paling senior dan berpengalaman di perusahaan.
1. What are the responsilities of the Chief Engineer?
The responsilities of the Chief Engineer are generally supervisory, consultant and decision making for the various items comprising the whole power unit.
2. Where does the Chief Engineer get the data from?
Chief Engineer get the data from engine log book.
3. What are the data used for ?
The data used for make a plan for routine maintenance and then annual docking repair, any irregularities found, will not be escaped from his eyes.
4. Why are the Chief Engineer duties important?
Because the successful operation on the vessel depends upon the smoothness of his work.
5. How is the rank of Chief Engineer on board?
The rank of the chief engineer on board is just one small step under the captain.
II. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Mesin ini bekerja dengan kecepatan 4000 putaran per menit.
This Engine works with speed 4000 revolution per minutes.
2. Pompa pengisap rusak, kami menggunakan tangan untuk memompa minyak.
Damage sucker pump, we use hand to pump oil.
3. Kapal itu terbuat dari baja.
That Ship is made of steel.
4. Salah satu fungsi permesinan bantu adalah memasok tenaga listrik dan penerangan di
One of function of the auxiliary equipment is to supply electric and lighting on board.
5. Turbin gas berbeda dengan turbin uap.
Look at board M.V. HADAR at this very night. The chief engineer now is inspecting the engine log book. He reads carefully item per item about the engine’s rotation, the temperature of the piston and cylinders, the consumption of fuel oil and lubricating oil. He will analyze it and compare it with previous day or voyage in order to get the degree of effectiveness of engines. From those data, he will make a plan for routine maintenance and then annual docking repair, any irregularities found, will not be escaped from his eyes. He will discuss it with other engineers and will not be reported to the master if any unusual step should be taken as to stop the engine or slowing down.