Inggris Maritim Soal Jawab ATT 3
Soal Jawab test ATT III
In steam turbine, high preasure steam is directed into a series of blades of vanes attached to a shaft, causing it to rotate. This rotary motion is transferred to the propeller shaft by gears. Steam is produced by boiling water in a boiler, which is fired by oil. Recent development and raised power out put have made them more attractive as an alternative to diesel power in ships. They are 50 percent higher and on very large tankers some of the steam can be used to drive to large cargo oil pumps. Turbines are often used in containers ships which travel at higher speeds.
Terjemahan :
Turbin uap, uap bertekanan tinggi pd turbin uap diarahkan keserangkaian sudu2 yg terpasang pada sebuah poros menyebabkan rangkaian itu berputar. Uap dihasilkan oleh air panas dalam sebuah ketel yg dinyalakan oleh bahan bakar
Perkembangan2 terakhir terhadap turbin uap yg mana mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar dan meningkatkan tenaga keluar sbagai sebuah pilihan terhadap tenaga diesel di kapal.
Turbin2 uap 50% lebih ringan, dan pada bebrapa kpl tanker besar uap itu dpt digunakan utk menjalankan pompa2 kargo diatas kapal.
Turbin2 ini juga digunakan kpl2 pti kemas yg maana bergerak dgn kecepatan tinggi.
1. Why is now steam turbine consumed as an alternative to diesel power in ship ?
Because at Recent development and raised power out put have made them more attractive as an alternative to diesel power in ships.
2. Where is steam turbine used nowadays ?
Nowadays, Steam turbine is used in containers ships which travel at higher speeds and on very large tankers some of the steam can be used to drive to large cargo oil pumps.
3. Where are blades attached to ?
In steam turbines high pressure steam is directed into A series of blades attached to a shaft
4. What causes a shaft to rotate ?
In steam turbines high pressure steam is directed into a series of blades or vanes attached to a shaft.
5. Mention the other three types of marine engine.
✔️High speed propulsion marine engine.
✔️Medium speed propultion marine engine.
✔️Low speed propultion marine engine.
II. Change these sentences into Passive Voice
1. Chief Engineer controls the main engine and auxiliary engines regularly in the engine room every morning.
The main engine and auxiliary engines are controlled by Chief Engineer regularly in the engine room every morning.
2. Marine Inspectors inspected the ship and her safety equipment regularly on board last month
The ship and her safety equipment were inspected by marine Inspectors regularly on board last month.
3. The Royal Navy has ordered two new ships.
Two new ships have been ordered by The Royal Navy.
4. The queen will launch the tanker tomorrow.
The tanker will be launched by The Queen tomorrow.
5. People must prepare the plate properly.
The plate must be prepared by People properly.
III. Make questions relating to the underlined words of the following sentences. Use the question words : What, Who, When, Where, Why, How, etc.
1. Our vessel is assisted by a pilot when entering the harbour.
Who is assisted our vessel when entering the harbour?
2. The Safety Award Certificate is placed in a nice picture frame.
What is placed in a nice picture frame?
3. We pass many ships on the North Sea.
Where are we pass many ships?
4. English is a very important language because it is spoken all over the world.
Why is english a very importment language?
5. The ship moves gently.
How do the ship moves?
Selanjutnya : Inggris maritim Soal Jawab ATT 3 (2)
In steam turbine, high preasure steam is directed into a series of blades of vanes attached to a shaft, causing it to rotate. This rotary motion is transferred to the propeller shaft by gears. Steam is produced by boiling water in a boiler, which is fired by oil. Recent development and raised power out put have made them more attractive as an alternative to diesel power in ships. They are 50 percent higher and on very large tankers some of the steam can be used to drive to large cargo oil pumps. Turbines are often used in containers ships which travel at higher speeds.
Terjemahan :
Turbin uap, uap bertekanan tinggi pd turbin uap diarahkan keserangkaian sudu2 yg terpasang pada sebuah poros menyebabkan rangkaian itu berputar. Uap dihasilkan oleh air panas dalam sebuah ketel yg dinyalakan oleh bahan bakar
Perkembangan2 terakhir terhadap turbin uap yg mana mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar dan meningkatkan tenaga keluar sbagai sebuah pilihan terhadap tenaga diesel di kapal.
Turbin2 uap 50% lebih ringan, dan pada bebrapa kpl tanker besar uap itu dpt digunakan utk menjalankan pompa2 kargo diatas kapal.
Turbin2 ini juga digunakan kpl2 pti kemas yg maana bergerak dgn kecepatan tinggi.
Because at Recent development and raised power out put have made them more attractive as an alternative to diesel power in ships.
2. Where is steam turbine used nowadays ?
Nowadays, Steam turbine is used in containers ships which travel at higher speeds and on very large tankers some of the steam can be used to drive to large cargo oil pumps.
In steam turbines high pressure steam is directed into A series of blades attached to a shaft
In steam turbines high pressure steam is directed into a series of blades or vanes attached to a shaft.
✔️High speed propulsion marine engine.
✔️Medium speed propultion marine engine.
✔️Low speed propultion marine engine.
1. Chief Engineer controls the main engine and auxiliary engines regularly in the engine room every morning.
The main engine and auxiliary engines are controlled by Chief Engineer regularly in the engine room every morning.
The ship and her safety equipment were inspected by marine Inspectors regularly on board last month.
Two new ships have been ordered by The Royal Navy.
The tanker will be launched by The Queen tomorrow.
The plate must be prepared by People properly.
1. Our vessel is assisted by a pilot when entering the harbour.
Who is assisted our vessel when entering the harbour?
What is placed in a nice picture frame?
Where are we pass many ships?
Why is english a very importment language?
5. The ship moves gently.
How do the ship moves?
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