Bahasa Inggris Maritim Soal Jawab ATT 1 (2)
Bahasa Inggris maritim Soal Jawab (2)
Soal Jawab Inggris maritim ATT 1
Sebelumnya: Bahasa inggris maritim soal jawab ATT-I (1)1.Anda KKM dari M.T. ULYSSES. Kapal anda sedang dalam pelayaran dari Kharg Island di Iran menuju Mombasa di Kenya. Pada tanggal 25April 2002, jam 11:05 tiba-tiba generator No. 1 mati Ternyata linig dari silinder No. 4 dijumpai meleleh waktu diperiksa. Menurut AMK jaga, yaitu AMK IV, tidak ada kenaikan suhu terditeksi atau alarm apapun pada saat kejadian tersebut.
Coba tuliskan isi telex pada hari yang sama ditujukan kepada superintendent anda Mr. Papandreous, menceritakan kejadian dan memohon untuk mengirimkan perwakilan dari Class, Asuransi H & M dan pembuat generator tersebut, untuk memeriksa penyebab kerusakan dan mengkoordinir perbaikan, setibanya kapal di Mombasa yang diperkirakan
tanggal 30 April 2002 sebelum tengah hari.
Jawab :
During the voyage from kharg island iran to mombassa Kenya at 11.05 hrs, on 25th april 2002, cyl liner no.4 of g/e no.1 was melting without any alarm.
Pls send to mombassa, class surveyor, insurance surveyor engine make to find out the cause of liner melting.
Eta mombassa 30th april 2002 bf noon.
Tks Accknowledge
C/E master.
2.Please make a letter to you company about engine generator no.3 was damage,when your ship sailing from jakarta to makassar.
You need spare part 3 set’s of inlet & outlet valave necessary to send to makassar as soon as possible.?
Jawab :
To : Fleet Departement PT.BLT
Attention: Superintendant MT. Oriental
From : C/E MT.Oriental
Re : spare part requisition
Dear Sir,
We regret to inform you that during the voyage from Jakarta to makasar the following deficiency and damage to the engine generator.3 was found and would like to deliver an order of spare part as follow:

Thank you for your cooperation
faithfully yours acknowledge by
Chief Engineer master
3.Jelaskan apa pengertian dan tindakan yang perlu saudara siapkan berkaitan dengan kegiatan-kegiatn berikut ini secara singkat dalam bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar :
a.Storing and Bunkering
b.Preparing for dry – docking and surveys
c.Chief Engineer as technical adviser to the fire officer for fires in machinery spaces
d.Organizing for maintenance of engine room;
- Planned maintenance schedules of machinery
- Steering gear
- Electrical equipment and wiring systems
- Control systems and automation equipment
- Deck machinery
- Domestic services, Including hot and cold water, sanitary services, air conditioning, domestic cold rooms and gallery refrigerators.
a.Bunkering is mean supplying some fuel oil, fresh water, lube oil from bunker barge or from shore pipe lines to the ship, Action for bunker:
- Prepare bunker check list
- Prepare oil spill dispersant and SOPEP equipments
- open filling line for bunkering
- Check sounding tank before bunker on the ship and bunker barge
- prepare communication equipments
b.Dry dock is means maintenance for the ship and engine equipments for satisfactory performance for regular period on the dock yard and not exceed than 36 months.
Survey is means inspection for the ship by class surveyor for Preparing for docking and survey:
- Prepare dock list
- Prepare survey list and certificate or documents for inspection of validity or will be renewed
c.Chief engineer advising the fire officer commander happened in machinery spaces:
is means the chief engineer report to the master for fire at machinery spaces for alarm raised-up and fire fighting team to be in action to extinguish the fire. To be sure all crews in engine room has dispatched before CO2 sprayed and close all fire door going to engine room
d.Organizing for maintenance of engine room means :
is means the chief engineer report to the master for fire at machinery spaces for alarm raised-up and fire fighting team to be in action to extinguish the fire. To be sure all crews in engine room has dispatched before CO2 sprayed and close all fire door going to engine room
d.Organizing for maintenance of engine room means :
- PMS of machinery means to make schedule for maintenance or repair for machinery regularly every week, monthly, or yearly according to the established by company
- Steering gear means : the part of machine on board that the function of machine for maneuvering going to port or starboard.
- electrical equipment and wiring system means: the equipment of electricity look like cable, lamp, aux relay contactor etc,
- The wiring system mean : the drawing cable diagram of electric system.
- Control system and automation equipment. Mean any system or method in using self operating equipment (electronic device etc) to replace human being in doing or controlling routine or repetitive work.
- Deck machinery mean machines collectively used for deck equipment operation in a ship
- Domestic service, including hot and cold water, sanitary service, air conditioning domestic cold room and gallery refrigerator. Mean auxiliary machinery to supply domestic need such as fresh water from distillation plan, sanitation from sewage plant and heating and ventilation from heater and air conditioner.