Bahasa Inggris Maritim Soal Jawab ATT 1 (4)
Bahasa Inggris maritim Soal Jawab (4)
Sebelumnya: Bahasa Inggris Maritim Soal Jawab ATT-I (3)NASKAH 4
Fill in the blanks with logical word for the emergency check list bellow.
A.Main engine failure.
1.Master informed
2.Rudder and bow thruster used to best navigational advantage.
3.Preparations for anchoring if in shallow water.
4.Not under command shapes or light exhibited.
5.Warning broadcasted.
B.Steering Failure.
6.Engine room informed and alternative / emergency steering engaged.
7.Master informed.
8.Not under command shapes or light exhibited.
9.Appropriate sound signal made.
10.If necessary way taken off ship and.
11.Warning broadcasted.
Pada tanggal 15 april 2005 melalui seorang rekan dekat anda dari Malaysia yaitu Capt. Wan Usman Badawi seorang nahkoda pada kapal MV. Rainbow milik perusahaan pelayaran Sukan Pasific Limited Malaysia, anda mendapat informasi bahwa perusahaan tersebut sedang membutuhkan seorang Kepala kamar Mesin berpengalaman untuk kapal MV. Liberty yg berbendera panama.
Karena anda tertarik dngn lowongan tsb, buatlah surat lamaran kerja (application letter) dalam bhs inggris yg standar, ditujukan kepada kepala Personalia perusahaan dan data yg ditulis disesuaikan dengan data pribadi anda sendiri (lamprikan dngn CV pribadi)
Jawab :
Director in charge
Human Resource Manager
16th April 2005
Dear Sir,
Regarding to the information from Capt. Usman Badawi, Master of MV. Rainbow on 15th april 2005, I would like to apply fo the post of Chief Engineer of MV. Liberty.
I am 38 years old, holder of Indonesian Marine Engineer 1st class certificate. I am currently in service with MISC berhard as a C/E on board MISC LNG carriers.
I'm very interested to become of your dedicated staff and willing to give full commitment to achieve the success with your company. For your consideration I enclosed my CV and certificate of competency and certificate of proficiency.
I'd really appreciate if you would consider and accept my application.
Thank you,
Your faith fully
Dwi Cahyono
Anda adlh KKM kapal MT. Trans Pacific yg berbendera Liberia dan didaftarkan di Monrovia. Ketika kapal anda sedang membongkar muatan minyak mentah di Pleabuhan Kobe jepang pd tgl 21 Februari 2005, terjadi kerusakan pada “valve seat ring” berupa goresan sedang, yang menyebabkan level of ballast water menjadi rendah (berada dibawah tingkat normal).
Tuliskan laporan kerusakan tersebut dlm bhs inggris yg baik yg mencakup hal-hal dan informasi kerusakan sbb :
a.Time and place (waktu dan tempat kejadian)
b.Description ( uraian rinci kerusakan)
c.Investigation ( Penyelidikan penyebab kerusakan)
d.Treatment ( Penanganan/tindakan sementara kerusakan)
e.Countermeasures (rencana pemasangan selanjutnya, menunggu suku cadang)
Jawab :
No : 01 tp / Liberia
23 rd February 2008
Superintendents of MV. TRAN PACIFIC
Wanchi- Hongkong
Subject : Damage to the valve seat ring.
Dear sir
I deeply regret to report that the following deficiency and damage to the valve was found and would like to deliver on order of the spare part attached herewith for running repair.
The detail of damage and precaution taken are reported as follow
- Date: 21st February 2008
- Place: Port of Kobe Japan
- Description: Level ballast water of APT lowered in spite of the valve kept closed position
- Investigation: On 21of February ,the valve was checked after piping disconnection then it was found that the seat ring got turned up with small cut damage
- Treatment: The seat ring was restored in original position then piping connected without replacement due to having no spare part . The test of open and shut were carried out with conformation of airtight
- Counter measure: To prevent air sucking by ballast pump the valve is kept closed position until the seat ring is received.
Thank you
Your sincerely
Chief engineer